Contact Us
Our contacts for business contacts or just for an appreciated visit to the wineries Caudrina.
Azienda Agricola CAUDRINA di Romano Dogliotti
10, Via Valle Bera
Castiglione Tinella (CN)
12053 Italia
Telefono (+39) 0141.855.126
Fax (+39) 0141.855.008
P. IVA IT02583750043
How to order
You can order the wines of Azienda Agricola Caudrina sending a fax to the number: (+39) 0141.855.008
or e-mail us:
or contact one of our agents or dealers in your area.
Contact us
Contact us directly for more information about the products of Azienda Agricola Caudrina.
Romano Dogliotti
Bruna Dogliotti
Alessandro Dogliotti